Thursday 6 May 2010

Last post on bad behaviour in spoilt children and it's time to say goodbye :(

I thought Id finish my blog off with a post about bad behaviour in spoilt children! I've always believed that if you spoil your child they will behave like brats and i've witnessed it with my own eyes as I have two cousins who are like this, I know it's harsh to say but they have been spoilt and now behave badly. Research shows that parenting gets harder when children behave in such a way and parents often tend to give into their child when they misbehave , children also think that it's acceptable to behave like this at school. You see programmes like Supernanny where she has to come and show parents what disipline really is, because they've lost control of their child and it's actually upsetting, I've never been spoilt at all and im really glad I wasn't! I have posted below a link to a shocking article where a mother had to sell her house because she had to pay off her debt that her 9 YEAR OLD daughter got her in to and also had to call supernanny for help!

Goodbye :(

I've really enjoyed doing this module as it was different to the others and was also intresting but I guess it's time to say goodbye, this semester has gone extremely fast!

Wednesday 5 May 2010

Response to Emma's post on Underage Sex.

I have to disagree with you when you say underage sex is not bad behaviour depending on the cirmunstances. I think that in all circumstances someone having a child when they are a child themselves is wrong. The story you have looked at about the 13 year old dad is terrible and I remember how shocked I was when I first heard about this, I feel sorry for the child and how she's going to be looked after as her parents can hardly look after themselves, they can't get jobs because they're underage and babies don't come cheap! I agree with you when you say sex doesn't mean as much as it used to which is why so many young girls today are getting pregnant just like that, I also agree that people need to make children more aware about protection and consequences, but you're right in saying they can't stop anyone having sex, because regardless of what they do it's still going to happen.

Tuesday 4 May 2010

Illegal issues.

I thought I'd do a post on "bad behaviour" I witness almost everyday! As you all must know smoking is against the law in public places meaning that you cannot smoke inside anymore, whether it's a pub or club. However I witness people smoking on the bus all the time. The bus is a public place and it's illegal and bus drivers are aware of it, yet do nothing about it. The question may rise maybe they don't want to cause any trouble? I'm sure if they tell people to turn their loud music off they can tell people to stop smoking on the bus which is far more important as not everyone want's to be suffocated with it, another point is weed, that itself is illegal yet people are breaking not one but two rules by doing this. I personally think if a law is going to be put in place then it should be done properly, otherwise there's no point in it being there and I also don't think it's fair on people who don't smoke. This link is an article from the BBC when the smoking ban was first put in place, however after witnesses people still smoking in public places, it shows that peoples attitudes towards it are still the same and although it is against the law you will still have people who want to break this law.

Monday 3 May 2010

Song lyrics

I thought I'd do a post on the lyrics of songs that are out today. Firstly the amount of filth in songs at the moment is disgusting! Especially when you have young boys and girls who hear them songs is just terrible, I have a 12 year old brother who listens to songs like that, as much as you tell kids not to, nothings going to stop them!I blame the media for letting songs like this be realsed as am sure they're aware that kids can't be stopped from listening to the as you seen them on the music channels all the time. As you might have all heard the song by lil wayne, every girl, when I was researching on this topic I took a look at the lyrics and the amount of talk about sex and swearing in that song is horrendous! I have posted a link below so you can take a look at the lyrics. I remember when I was younger and songs actually had a good meaning and sounded good! but so much has changed and the lyrics of songs being realsed by rappers such as 50 Cent and Lil Waye are pointless and bad, especially for little kids to be listening too.

Saturday 1 May 2010


Response to Kams post on teenage pregnancy.

Wow! Some of the stories you put about this are quite shocking! I agree with you 100%, most teenagers who are pregnant are still children themselves, but i'm sure they've got a brain to make important decisions properly. There's this one girl at my sisters school who's 14 and pregnant and her mums supporting her! It discusts me to see mothers supporting their children having a baby more than support them to stay in school and get an education! Another thing you've highlighted is benefits, I feel thats even worse! You're right, if the child is pregnant at that age then fair enough, but they should do things for the right reasons and not be thinking about themselves, but the child who is more important. I think something needs to take place in order for teenagers to realise that they have so much time to have a baby so whats the need when their still children too? I think maybe they can't wait, but personally I like babies, You have everyone, including me who says "awww, I want one!!, however that doesn't mean I'm going to ruin my life and have one at such a young age, It's just wrong and irresponsible and something needs to be done about it.

Response to Gemma's post on shoplifting.

I think that shop lifting is theft, although I have heard alot of people saying shoplifting isn't theft, companies can afford it? So if you steal of someone who is rich are you going to say they can afford it? at the end of the day I still regard it as taking someone that doesn't belong to you, that you haven't bought, so it is wrong. These days jobs have to be alot more aware of who to hire aswell, because people think it's far more easier to steal when you're working in a place than it is if you're not, but you always get caught either way, is what some shoplifters don't realise.

Friday 30 April 2010


Everyone puts on a couple of pounds of extra body fat, but when is it that someone is clased as overweight? Doctors use the term overweight to describe when someone is at great risk of developing weight related problems. I found that many young people are affected by this, not just adults, for example one third of all kinds between the ages of 2 and 19 are overweight of obese. So an interesting thing that comes to mind is health risks of being overweight, personally I've seen many overweight people and wonder why they dont do something about it, but alot are trying, but have gone so far they've developed health issues, high blood pressuse is high, the heart has to work harder and the arteries have to carry more blood around the body so if someones overweight this wont work aswell, therefore can create further serious problems, another issue is depression, if someone isn't happy about their weight, they're more likely to have low self esteem therefore be depressed. The following link has a good video on it, which talks all about obesity and statistics in relation to this.

Thursday 29 April 2010

Alcohol addiction

Statistics show that the number of alchol related deaths in the UK have rised since 1990, rising from the lowest figure of 4,023 in 1992 to the highest of 9,031 in 2008. I found tha there are more alcohol related deaths in men than in women. We know that people drink because it makes them feel good, lively and happy but in my opinion I don't think that because I can feel them things without the consumption of alcohol. The long term effects of alcohol are cancer, mental health problems such as depression or memory loss, heart disease, strokes and diabetes, so it can be seen from this that there are many serious out comes of someone who constantly drinks which is why it can lead to death later on in life.
This link shows many statistics about alcohol and other being bad topics we have covered, it also included graphs which show the trends of deaths related to alcohol consumption in males and females.

Response to Beckys post on gambling

I've never actually quite understood the whole point of gambling to be honest, I do understand that when people win they get a thrill out of it, it's fun, enjoyable BUT only when you win. as you've said you're more likely to lose than win. I personally think it's a con and a complete waste of time. I also think where the addction starts is when someone wins once, they think they're going to win again and if not they keep trying and trying and trying until they lose all their money, so it's a way of getting money out of people and just pointless really.

Tuesday 27 April 2010

Do you swing the other way?

I thought i'd do a post on Gay people since It's the highlight in eastenders at the moment, Firstly I have nothing against gay people, yes it might be horrible to see two gay people kissing and stuff, but it's not their fault they're attracted to the same sex as them, therefore they can't be blamed for what they feel. Recently in eastenders the topic of gay and religion has arised, as many of you may known in islam being gay is forbidden, now in eastenders Syed being gay bought shame on the family because they care what other people think and now there reputation is down the drain, however as much as they shout, tell Syed it's wrong in the islam religion, it's not going to stop him being gay because at the end of the day it's who he is, they either accept or don't. A question that arises is, is gay being bad? Alot of people see it as bad behaviour, but i personally don't think it is, it doesn't make them less important or less human, just maybe different. After doing some research on this topic i found some funny myths and intresting facts that i thought you'd like to look at so i've posted it below.

Monday 26 April 2010


Swearing, swearing, swearing, we all do it! I personally like swearing as much as that may sound strange! I feel it takes all our anger and frustration out, well that's my personal view anyway! Whilst researching this area I found out something rather interesting that i didn't know! In early childhood crying is an acceptable way to remove, anixety and stress, as children grow up crying in public is discouraged and people still need an outlet for their emotions, which is where swearing comes in. Many people swear because they feel they are expected to or because swearing has become a habit, personally I think swearing has become a habbit for me. The website I have posted below shows how swearing works and looks more into why people swear so take a look at it :)

Sunday 25 April 2010

Hoodies and crime.

I thought i'd choose this topic because its always intrested me and it relates to an act of being bad so thought it would be appropriate! Research suggests that hoodies are an accessory for ganga and not the cause of anti social behaviour I disagree with this in one way because sometimes you see teenagers with hoods on inside, what's the need? I don't think it's fair to class all teenagers who wear hoodies as ASBOS though because that's not true. I found an article where police have banned hooded tops from high streets because they think it's realting to crime. I think it's a good thing to ban HOODS because some do wear then to hide their idenity when commiting crimes, however I don't think hooded tops should be banned because people like my self like wearing then and that doesn't mean we commit crimes. I think there is alot of sterotypical views in the media on teenagers i mean fair enough there are alot who turn to crime these days but that doesn't mean all
Here's the link :)

Saturday 24 April 2010

Response to Emily Turtons post on Stalking

I picked up on something you wrote about stalking, when you spoke about big brother, I wouldn't think that's stalking, i mean I wouldn't class that as stalking, people go on their through their own choice knowing their going to be watch so have to be comfortable with that, so it wouldn't be classed as stalking in my opinion, but I agree with you when you say it's a negative invasion of someones life because It is, noone feels comfortable with getting stalked and it's not seen as a "norm" within society so shouldn't be done as it makes people feel uncomfortable.

Friday 23 April 2010

Hahaha funny stuff.

After having a lecture on Bad comedians yesterday, I looked into the difference between a joke and offending someone and racist jokes. My personal view on this is that a joke is in fact a JOKE up until a certain extent where it can offend someone it is no longer a joke, neither funny. In regard to racist jokes, they can sometimes be quiet offensive. I have posted a link for an article which brings up a interesting statement, It states that racist gags could simply be a more acceptable way of being racist, check it out, it's quite an intresting article that also talks about why they are seen as funny.

Thursday 22 April 2010


After looking at home office facts on prositution i found that after the 1st of April it had become an offence to pay for sex with someone who has been forced. The real question is, is it right to sell your body just to get money? The answer is no. In January 2008, the home office launched a six month review to explore what further action could be demanded for prostution. We know many women who need money may turn to this as their only option, but surely there are other ways to make money than to have sex. The home office states that if convicted of paying for ex with someone who is under 18 you could be sentenced to a lenthy prison term.
The link i have posted below shows someone who explains why they resulted to prostition.

Response to Gemma's post on smoking.

I think that the issues you have raised about smoking are good ones, the question is it right for people to smoke around vunerable people in my opionion is no. I don't think it's fair to smoke around children, smoking is a personal thing and is the invidiuals own choice to do so therefore putting other peoples health at risk is unfair in my opinion. In relation to your second question I also think that's unfair, many people who live off benefits could probably afford things if they didn't spend so much money on cigarrettes, so it's pathetic really how they get awqay with lviing off benefits yet have money to pay for cigarrettes.

Wednesday 21 April 2010

Sex before marriage

Thinking of what topic to do a blog on, this one came to mind! Now I find this topic intresting as different religions have different views on this, In Islam sex is seen as forbidden before marriage and in most asian cultures it is. When researching on this topic I found that it is not only forbidden in religions but also in some countries too it is a crime, therefore people in them countries do what is seen as acceptable in their society however today sex has become a personal choice between you and your partner because religion is not so important to everyone anymore as it used to be, often today many people are getting pregnant at young ages, so is having sex before marriage an act of being bad? I personally think yes it is If you believe in your religion you wouldn't however if you don't then that's a personal choice you make and it's not bad, because everyone has different opinions, but if you're with the right person and be careful about it it's fine. I have posted a link below which looks at different countries and what rules they have about sex before marriage, it shows that it is illegal and is seen as a criminal act.

Tuesday 20 April 2010

Response to Donna Court

I agree with you and think that what you have said about people congratualting Brad pitt for what he did is crazy and wrong on so many levels! You're right people get one shot and if they want to cheat why are they in a relationship when they don't have to be in it? I think when celebrities do it it's often for publicity, which makes it even more wrong as I think they get enough of that anyway!

Monday 19 April 2010


I have very strong views on the topic of racism, what i'll never understand is why people do it? what do people get out of it? Previously talking about the topic of shop lifiting and discussing why people do it, they get a joy out of it, but what joy is there about racism? Nothing, I'm sure many people have been victims of racism, I have and it's not nice at all, Racism actually ruins peoples lives, black white brown? why does it even matter? I have posted a link below that looks at racism from a global persepctive. Recently many issues have arised particulary locally where fights have taken place, people have been beaten up just because of the colour of there skin, parties such as the BNP and EDL are ones who only want white people in this country, Its understandable that alot of illegal immigrants are entering this country but innocent people are getting hurt because of Racism. I have posted another link below that is a recent article from the BBC about racial attacks that have arisen.

Sunday 18 April 2010

Size Zero

Firstly I think the whole "size zero" thing is ridiculous, who wants to be that skinny!? Definalty not me! ...Size zero can cause many problems for alot of girls, especially teenagers who think they're fat and want to lose weight so go on extreme diets, but instead develop an eating disorder, after doing research on this topic i found that Size zero creates health risks, here's an article i have posted that explains the consequences of size zero There's also the issue about the whole modelling thing, people feel that they want to or have to look like that so go on these silly diets which puts them at risk, I personally think size zero should be banned, everyone comes in all shapes and sizes, people that feel the need to lose weight dont need to be a size zero because It looks horrible. The media are responsible for alot of this, putting pictures of celebrities such as Keira Knightley and Victoria Beckham who young girls see as role models is influencing them more to look that way which can cause problems.

Saturday 17 April 2010

Response to Sangeetha's post on piercing
I agree with you that too many piercings look horrible! An example is the picture you've put up, it does make people look unattractive, I'm actually a fan of piercings I think they look pretty nice, but up to an extent like you said. Having them everywhere doesn't look good and like you have stated there are risks of it and people need to be aware of them, I did try looking at the link you posted but it didnt' work! However if you can check it out and post it again, that would be great :)

Friday 16 April 2010


I thought this would be an interesting topic to discuss as we've all done it at least once in our life! I'm sure all of you are aware of what truancy is, if not it's basically skiving school. After doing research on this topic I found that governement statistics have shot up by 44% since Labour came to power. Suprise Suprise, Figures also show that truancy is rising fastest in primary schools where the absence rate has risen by 12%. Truancy is in fact an act of being bad, most of the time when young teenagers are not in school they're doing something they shouldn't be doing outside of school, e.g causing trouble, graffiti etc. Most of the time skiving from school is where all the criminal acts begin and children rebel against education.Another aspect is when parents fail to send their child to school, I have posted a link for an article where parents were sent to prison because they failed to send their child to school
Heres another link that shows statistics of truancy which is pretty recent.

Wednesday 14 April 2010

Response to Emma's post on Abortion.

I disagree with you on saying that many women get pregnant by accident. I believe that couples who don't use a condom during sex should be held responsible for their actions, it's not right to get rid of a human being just because it was your mistake of getting pregnant, alot of people today need to be more careful, many young girls these days get pregnant without realising it can happen just like that, killing a baby can also just happen like that but people should think more about things before they do them. I think if a women was to get pregnant from being raped then she has the right to have an abortion, therefore I don't think it should be illegal, i just think people should be alot more careful. In regard to teenage pregnancy, they are rising tremendously and some are often having abortions just because they weren't careful enough which isn't fair.

Tuesday 13 April 2010

The touchy subject

Firstly the lecture on masturbation seemed unreal, I mean walking into a room full of people talking about it and naming different words for it, who would have though that would ever happen? When conducting research on this topic I looked closey at why people don't talk about it in todays society. Masturbation is something people don't feel comfortable discussing with others, people often laugh when they hear the word and people think If they talk about it, it's embarrasing and weird as it's more of a personal thing and people see it as an act of being bad, the question is, is masturbatition a bad thing to be doing? Masturbation is neither good or bad, a recent published study reported that 87% of women and 95% of men masturbate but when its done to an extreme is when it starts going from good to bad, the following link shows the symptoms of masturbation, and how it can go from something natural to an addictive behaviour.

Sunday 11 April 2010


Bullying can vary from calling people names, leaving them out of things, taking or damaging their things or hitting them. Bullying is definately an act of being bad, but why do people do it? Some people bully as they see it as making them popular and making themselves look tough as others do it for attention. While researching this topic i found an intresting article on the effects that bullying can have upon an individual. It showed how a girl commited suicide after receiving verbal assualt and threats and even harrasment online. This raises another topic which is cyber bullying,this refers to someone being threatned or harrased over the internet, people sometimes do it for entertainment or because they are bored and have too much time on their hands and too many tech toys available to them, or even do it for the laughs to get a reaction. I have posted a link below that explains more about cyber bullying.

Saturday 10 April 2010

Is it need or greed?

I feel that shoplifting is an intresting topic that has been drawan upon in this module, one question that arised in the lecture was why do people who can afford to buy things shop lift instead? after doing research on this area I found that peer pressure is one of the reasons why people shoplift, they may do it because they want to feel like part of a group have a sense of belonging or do it because their friends are, I personally feel that the above reasons for shoplifting are terrible, for example in relation to smoking i have many friends who I hang around with that smoke but I would never smoke just to feel like i belonged because it's wrong, either people accept you for who you are or they are not your friends. I also found that people shoplift because they get a "kick" out of it or they feel they can do it because they can get away with it. The following link I have posted looks at different types of shoplifters and how shoplifting is sometimes seen as a mental disorder so have a read :)

Friday 9 April 2010

Response to Raiissah's Graffiti post

I think graffiti is a good topic you have drawn upon, I also like graffti up to an extent. Fair enough if someone is good at it, it can make a place stand out and look nice on the other hand I am totally against it when people do graffiti on places repping area codes for instance or writing swear words or even writing on other peoples property is when graffiti is taken to far. Recently I have seen bus stops with graffiti all over it, i don't think that looks nice i think it makes the place look untidy and is really just pointless and also can cause problems for unnecessary reasons.

Thursday 8 April 2010

Response to Nicola Gorthy's blog on smoking whilst pregnant

Response to

I absolutely agree with what you are saying about pregnant women smoking during pregancy, I find it disgusting and also think that they should put their child first if they cared so much. I think it's selfish and inconsiderate, yes they are addicted to smoking but shouldn't their child growing inside of them matter more than anything? I honestly dont think women should get preganant if they aren't going to quit, because this means putting their baby's health at risk and is it really right for a child to be born with problems just because their mum couldn't stop smoking. It really annoys me too so i know exactly where you are coming from. Fair enough if they find out they are preganant after a certain amount of weeks but have been smoking then that's a different story, but I still think that they should stop as soon as they find out and for any preganant women out there that do know I just think its unfair on their child.

Wednesday 7 April 2010


Stalking refers to unwanted attention by individuals that puts a person in fear of their safety, the stalker may follow you, harass you, call you, watch your house, send you mail you don’t want or act in other ways to frighten you. I personally think that stalking will make a person paranoid and it could be up to a point where they’ll even be afraid to step out of their house. After doing research on stalking I found an interesting article which i have posted a link for below on a women named Claire Waxman who had been shot by her ex boyfriend who had also been stalking her including, following her relentlessly, braking into her car, bombarding her with letters and gifts, making silent phone calls and even arrived at her daughter's nursery posing as a prospective parent. This had a big effect on the victim as she was under alot of stress, suffered a miscarriage, had to move house quite often and also developed an eating disorder. Within the article a forensic psychologist states that one in five women and one in 10 men will be stalked in their lifetime for at least six months. "Stalking has a massive effect on victims". This article was shocking as it showed how far stalking can actually go and ruin someones life.

Tuesday 6 April 2010


Cheating is one of the most common reasons why people break up. I personally believe it's the worse thing you can do when being in a relationship, i fail to understand why someone is in a relationship that they don't have to be in if they want to cheat. We often hear more about men cheating on women that the other way round, for example a highlight in the media at the moment is footballer Ashley cole who cheated on his wife cheryl, so why is it that we hear men cheat more often than women? Well after researching this topic I found that women are spiritually stronger than men and have stronger self control where as some men are socially and sexually active and it's normally only a matter of time till they find someone they are more compatible with and they derive greater sexual gratification, however I think although this is true in some cases, women have now become just as bad as i feel it works both ways, I also think that any excuses to cheating are rubbish ones, the worse ones is when people say they were bored or drunk, people who are in a relationship should be committed to one another which is basically what it's all about! It's as simple as that. The link I have posted below discusses other ways of how cheating can happen, it also brings up an interesting point of how everyone is capable of cheating, but how it can be prevented so check it out :)

Monday 5 April 2010

Drugs, the effects.

The picture shows a women before she took drugs and after she took drugs, it shows clearly the effect that drugs can have upon your appearance aswell as damaging your body. The main questions that comes to mind when discussing drugs and after having a lecture on it is, what effects drugs have up on people and what so fascinating about drugs that it attracts people to them. Firstly the effects of drugs vary depending on what type of drug is taken, how much is taken, how often it is used and how quickly it gets to the brain. So what attracts people to drugs? Many people take drugs because they believe it gives them pleasure, although the substances can feel good at first, they can do a lot of harm to the body and brain. Heroin for example, causes a warm relaxing feeling to the body however it is an addictive drug and if people overdose the effects can result in being in a coma or even lead to death. A lot of teenagers are also attracted to drugs as they believe that it will help them think better and become more popular, many people also take drugs when depressed to try and out their problems and feelings, but don’t realise that the problems will always be there and ruin their life by becoming addicted to drugs. I have posted two links below which explains the effects and attractions of drugs in more depth and the effects of heroin and discusses facts of other aspects of “being bad” such as alcohol addiction.

Saturday 3 April 2010

Smoking, whats all the fuss about?

After having the lecture on smoking I thought i'd talk about what attracts people to it, after all smoking causes bad breath, yellow teeth and smelly clothes? So why is there such a fascination about it? One of the problems in todays soceity is what is being portrayed in the media like magazines for instance, quoting “how to lose weight in 10 days”, “Smoking causes weight loss” Problems with these headlines in that they catch many young girls eyes who then feel the need to smoke to look attractive without realising it will cause addiction make them look unattractive and without realising there are other ways to lose weight than to get cancer at the same time. I personally feel that the media plays a big part in all this simply for the reason that as much as they can say that smoking kills what they portray within magazines is what attracts people to it as they see celebrities who smoke and class them as role models.
The following link provides intresting information about smoking the effects and also why some people find it hard to quit

Friday 2 April 2010


I feel that the topic of gangs is relevant to the being bad module as it is in fact people being bad, a question that arises when looking at gangs is what attracts people to actually wanting to join a gang? The obvious answer is that a lot of people living in insure environments feel safer if they are in a gang, the link I have posted below offers many reasons as to why people feel the need to join gangs.
I personally feel that although these points are valid a lot of people don’t understand what they are getting into when joining a gang, for example the story line in Eastnders at the moment is a good example of this which I have also posted a link below for people who may not know of this story line and would like to read about it. The story line shows how people are peer pressured into joining gangs even if they don't want to, they think people would accept them more. Also another intresting point regarding eastenders was the concept of "friends" You think your gang is like your family or your friends but what people fail to realise is that people in gangs aren't like that.

Thursday 1 April 2010

Lying, we all do it!

Everyone tells lies at some point in their life, most people tell little white lies in order to make their friends feel better about themselves, I personally think sometimes there is nothing wrong with that because you’re not exactly harming anyone and not being bad, however when does lying actually become bad? Some people known as pathological liars, who tell lies constantly and have no regard for the feelings of others is where lying that was small can turn into a big problem. Lying is a common thing in todays society and noone likes a liar! The worse thing is when people develop problems and actually cause problems. While researching I found an intresting article which i have posted below that states that people often lie in order to protect others, for example, lying to protect a murderer's intended victim and lying to save oneself from death or serious injury, suggesting that this type of lying is not bad because it stops harm from occuring. The website also discusses the extent to which lying is bad and most importantly this link shows philosopher’s view on lying as well.

Tuesday 23 February 2010

Suggestion for trip

I think we should make a trip to an area where mainly young children and teenagers live and observe the surrondings. I think this would be a good trip as we can look out for bad behaviour and what influences people to act badly, whether they hang around with gangs and give into peer pressure and for example start smoking from a very young age. We could observe the neighbourhood, whether theres graffiti everywhere or the surrondings are generally not good, therefore teenagers result to bad behaviour. Alot of questions could be answered, so i think doing a trip like this would be beneficial.