Thursday 22 April 2010


After looking at home office facts on prositution i found that after the 1st of April it had become an offence to pay for sex with someone who has been forced. The real question is, is it right to sell your body just to get money? The answer is no. In January 2008, the home office launched a six month review to explore what further action could be demanded for prostution. We know many women who need money may turn to this as their only option, but surely there are other ways to make money than to have sex. The home office states that if convicted of paying for ex with someone who is under 18 you could be sentenced to a lenthy prison term.
The link i have posted below shows someone who explains why they resulted to prostition.

Response to Gemma's post on smoking.

I think that the issues you have raised about smoking are good ones, the question is it right for people to smoke around vunerable people in my opionion is no. I don't think it's fair to smoke around children, smoking is a personal thing and is the invidiuals own choice to do so therefore putting other peoples health at risk is unfair in my opinion. In relation to your second question I also think that's unfair, many people who live off benefits could probably afford things if they didn't spend so much money on cigarrettes, so it's pathetic really how they get awqay with lviing off benefits yet have money to pay for cigarrettes.

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