Wednesday 21 April 2010

Sex before marriage

Thinking of what topic to do a blog on, this one came to mind! Now I find this topic intresting as different religions have different views on this, In Islam sex is seen as forbidden before marriage and in most asian cultures it is. When researching on this topic I found that it is not only forbidden in religions but also in some countries too it is a crime, therefore people in them countries do what is seen as acceptable in their society however today sex has become a personal choice between you and your partner because religion is not so important to everyone anymore as it used to be, often today many people are getting pregnant at young ages, so is having sex before marriage an act of being bad? I personally think yes it is If you believe in your religion you wouldn't however if you don't then that's a personal choice you make and it's not bad, because everyone has different opinions, but if you're with the right person and be careful about it it's fine. I have posted a link below which looks at different countries and what rules they have about sex before marriage, it shows that it is illegal and is seen as a criminal act.

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