Sunday 11 April 2010


Bullying can vary from calling people names, leaving them out of things, taking or damaging their things or hitting them. Bullying is definately an act of being bad, but why do people do it? Some people bully as they see it as making them popular and making themselves look tough as others do it for attention. While researching this topic i found an intresting article on the effects that bullying can have upon an individual. It showed how a girl commited suicide after receiving verbal assualt and threats and even harrasment online. This raises another topic which is cyber bullying,this refers to someone being threatned or harrased over the internet, people sometimes do it for entertainment or because they are bored and have too much time on their hands and too many tech toys available to them, or even do it for the laughs to get a reaction. I have posted a link below that explains more about cyber bullying.

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