Saturday 1 May 2010


Response to Kams post on teenage pregnancy.

Wow! Some of the stories you put about this are quite shocking! I agree with you 100%, most teenagers who are pregnant are still children themselves, but i'm sure they've got a brain to make important decisions properly. There's this one girl at my sisters school who's 14 and pregnant and her mums supporting her! It discusts me to see mothers supporting their children having a baby more than support them to stay in school and get an education! Another thing you've highlighted is benefits, I feel thats even worse! You're right, if the child is pregnant at that age then fair enough, but they should do things for the right reasons and not be thinking about themselves, but the child who is more important. I think something needs to take place in order for teenagers to realise that they have so much time to have a baby so whats the need when their still children too? I think maybe they can't wait, but personally I like babies, You have everyone, including me who says "awww, I want one!!, however that doesn't mean I'm going to ruin my life and have one at such a young age, It's just wrong and irresponsible and something needs to be done about it.

Response to Gemma's post on shoplifting.

I think that shop lifting is theft, although I have heard alot of people saying shoplifting isn't theft, companies can afford it? So if you steal of someone who is rich are you going to say they can afford it? at the end of the day I still regard it as taking someone that doesn't belong to you, that you haven't bought, so it is wrong. These days jobs have to be alot more aware of who to hire aswell, because people think it's far more easier to steal when you're working in a place than it is if you're not, but you always get caught either way, is what some shoplifters don't realise.

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