Thursday 6 May 2010

Last post on bad behaviour in spoilt children and it's time to say goodbye :(

I thought Id finish my blog off with a post about bad behaviour in spoilt children! I've always believed that if you spoil your child they will behave like brats and i've witnessed it with my own eyes as I have two cousins who are like this, I know it's harsh to say but they have been spoilt and now behave badly. Research shows that parenting gets harder when children behave in such a way and parents often tend to give into their child when they misbehave , children also think that it's acceptable to behave like this at school. You see programmes like Supernanny where she has to come and show parents what disipline really is, because they've lost control of their child and it's actually upsetting, I've never been spoilt at all and im really glad I wasn't! I have posted below a link to a shocking article where a mother had to sell her house because she had to pay off her debt that her 9 YEAR OLD daughter got her in to and also had to call supernanny for help!

Goodbye :(

I've really enjoyed doing this module as it was different to the others and was also intresting but I guess it's time to say goodbye, this semester has gone extremely fast!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, good choice for a lost blog! Would have never thought to discuss the spoiling of children. Although I do agree with you that you shouldn't overly spoil your children and you definitely shouldn't let them take control of you I have to say that not all spoiling leads to bratty kids. I am the youngest and the only girl, I have 2 older brothers and I have to say that I've always been slightly spoiled. It's not just my parents that have spoiled me but both of my older brothers have as well. It's not always materialistic things either but they would just do anything for me and I'm not bratty from it. In fact I appreciate everything that my family has done for me and I love them for always being there for me. My parents did a good job raising me, even if I was a little spoiled.
