Wednesday 5 May 2010

Response to Emma's post on Underage Sex.

I have to disagree with you when you say underage sex is not bad behaviour depending on the cirmunstances. I think that in all circumstances someone having a child when they are a child themselves is wrong. The story you have looked at about the 13 year old dad is terrible and I remember how shocked I was when I first heard about this, I feel sorry for the child and how she's going to be looked after as her parents can hardly look after themselves, they can't get jobs because they're underage and babies don't come cheap! I agree with you when you say sex doesn't mean as much as it used to which is why so many young girls today are getting pregnant just like that, I also agree that people need to make children more aware about protection and consequences, but you're right in saying they can't stop anyone having sex, because regardless of what they do it's still going to happen.

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