Friday 30 April 2010


Everyone puts on a couple of pounds of extra body fat, but when is it that someone is clased as overweight? Doctors use the term overweight to describe when someone is at great risk of developing weight related problems. I found that many young people are affected by this, not just adults, for example one third of all kinds between the ages of 2 and 19 are overweight of obese. So an interesting thing that comes to mind is health risks of being overweight, personally I've seen many overweight people and wonder why they dont do something about it, but alot are trying, but have gone so far they've developed health issues, high blood pressuse is high, the heart has to work harder and the arteries have to carry more blood around the body so if someones overweight this wont work aswell, therefore can create further serious problems, another issue is depression, if someone isn't happy about their weight, they're more likely to have low self esteem therefore be depressed. The following link has a good video on it, which talks all about obesity and statistics in relation to this.

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