Thursday 8 April 2010

Response to Nicola Gorthy's blog on smoking whilst pregnant

Response to

I absolutely agree with what you are saying about pregnant women smoking during pregancy, I find it disgusting and also think that they should put their child first if they cared so much. I think it's selfish and inconsiderate, yes they are addicted to smoking but shouldn't their child growing inside of them matter more than anything? I honestly dont think women should get preganant if they aren't going to quit, because this means putting their baby's health at risk and is it really right for a child to be born with problems just because their mum couldn't stop smoking. It really annoys me too so i know exactly where you are coming from. Fair enough if they find out they are preganant after a certain amount of weeks but have been smoking then that's a different story, but I still think that they should stop as soon as they find out and for any preganant women out there that do know I just think its unfair on their child.

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