Friday 16 April 2010


I thought this would be an interesting topic to discuss as we've all done it at least once in our life! I'm sure all of you are aware of what truancy is, if not it's basically skiving school. After doing research on this topic I found that governement statistics have shot up by 44% since Labour came to power. Suprise Suprise, Figures also show that truancy is rising fastest in primary schools where the absence rate has risen by 12%. Truancy is in fact an act of being bad, most of the time when young teenagers are not in school they're doing something they shouldn't be doing outside of school, e.g causing trouble, graffiti etc. Most of the time skiving from school is where all the criminal acts begin and children rebel against education.Another aspect is when parents fail to send their child to school, I have posted a link for an article where parents were sent to prison because they failed to send their child to school
Heres another link that shows statistics of truancy which is pretty recent.

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